
The trade in White slaves was a natural one for Jewish merchants in England who imported sugar and tobacco from the American colonies. Whites kidnapped in Britain could be exchanged for these goods in America, permitting the merchant ships to convey cargo in both directions. But the disposability of these humans in the minds of these inhuman merchants, staggers the heart. There are documented reports that one ship dumped more than 1,300 white slaves into the Atlantic Ocean to ensure an adequate food supply for the crew. Other documented reports tell of 20 or 30 children at a time being tossed into the ocean to drown. There was also a provision in many contracts that white slaves were sold in advance to plantation owners who would be responsible for full payment “if the slaves survived beyond the halfway point of the journey”. Apparently ship captains regularly stocked sufficient food for only the first half of their ocean voyage with the intention of starving the slaves for the remainder of the trip. One documented record stated, “Jammed into filthy holds, manacled, starved and abused, they suffered and died during the crossings in gross numbers.” Nobody bothered to record the number of deaths.


Even those fortunate enough to land in the New World would fare little better, suffering a shocking mortality rate. Sixty percent of all white slaves reaching the Americas did not survive their first year. One clergyman visited a plantation outpost and described the scene as “a land of the living dead, a vault full of living corpses”. A policeman referred to them as “vermin-haunted heaps of rags”. He claimed that when he opened a door into one of their hovels, he saw, “Ten, twenty, thirty, who can count them? Men, women, children, for the most part naked, heaped upon the floor like maggots in a cheese factory, a spectral rising, unshrouded, from a grave of rags”. White slaves who rebelled or became disobedient were punished in the most savage and inhuman ways. Owners would hang their slaves by their hands and set their feet on fire. Often, they were burned alive, with their severed heads then placed on pikes in a public marketplace to serve as a warning to other slaves.

即使是那些有幸在新大陸登陸的人也不會有什么好轉,他們的死亡率令人震驚。到達美洲的白人奴隸中,有60%活不過第一年。一位牧師訪問了一個種植園前哨,并將現(xiàn)場描述為“活死人之地,一個滿是活死人的墓穴”。一名警察稱它們?yōu)椤耙欢褲M是害蟲的破布”。 他聲稱,當他打開一扇門進入他們的一個小屋時,他看到,“十個,二十個,三十,誰能數(shù)得清?”男人,女人,孩子,大部分赤裸著,像奶酪工廠里的蛆蟲一樣堆在地板上,(就像)一個幽靈從破布的墳墓里升起,毫無遮掩?!?反抗或不服從的白人奴隸會受到最野蠻、最不人道的懲罰。奴隸主會把奴隸的手吊起來,把他們的腳點著。通常,他們被活活燒死,他們被砍下的頭被釘在公共市場的長矛上,作為對其他奴隸的警告。

Particularly shocking was the abduction and enslavement of a great many white children who were openly seized from orphanages, workhouses and the streets, and shipped to America to labor in factories and plantations. There were countless shipments of these doomed children to America for perhaps 300 years, with very few living to become adults. In one case, when a census was taken in Virginia only seven children were listed as alive from the many thousands kidnapped that year. All the rest were dead, and statistics for other years are equally grim, with sometimes only three or four surviving that year.


Orphan children as well as the children of poor parents were targeted for the White slave trade, these latter being described as a “plague” and a “rowdy element”. The London police were instructed to seize any children found on the street and take them to a containment facility where they would await shipment to America. Often, their only crime was being in the street when a constable happened to pass by. The Jewish slave-traders specifically targeted poor families, demanding they surrender their children for sale on threat of being starved into submission by the withdrawal of all relief assistance from any source. They could give up their children to the slave-traders, or be forced to starve and die. This centuries-long inhuman use of “disposable” children was the beginning of the American fondness for child labor which began with the agricultural plantations, but which was soon extended to American factories.


It appears to be generally accepted that Ireland was severely depopulated in the past, the most quoted percentage reduction being 80%. One useful article on England’s Irish slaves: The current standard narrative attempts with some vigor to attribute this severe population reduction to disease or famine, but the reality appears to be that kidnapping for slavery was the main reason. There are sufficient records to tell us that the Irish were abducted and shipped by the hundreds of thousands, this including not only adults but even the youngest of children being forcibly taken from their parents and sold as slaves in the US and the West Indies. We can certainly credit Henry Cromwell for much of this, since he seemed especially determined to capture and deport all Irish women: “Concerning the young [Irish] women, although we must use force in takinge them up, yet it beinge so much for their owne goode, and likely to be of soe great advantage to the publique, it is not in the least doubted, that you may have such number of them as you thinke fitt to make use uppon this account.” There is no way to misunderstand the man’s words, and Cromwell wasn’t referring to “indentured servitude” in these remarks.

我們當然可以把這歸功于亨利·克倫威爾(注:英國將領),因為他似乎特別決心捕獲并驅逐所有愛爾蘭婦女: “關于年輕的(愛爾蘭)女性,盡管我們必須使用武力來招募她們,但這是為了她們自己的利益,而且可能對公眾有很大的好處,毫無疑問,你可以有這么多你認為合適的人來利用這個理由?!?br /> 沒有辦法誤解這個人的話,克倫威爾在這些評論中并不是指“契約奴隸”。

The first white slave sales document was drawn up in 1612, seven years before the first African slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia. In 1625 James II officially decreed that all Irish prisoners be sent to the West Indies (Caribbean) and sold to plantation owners. The first ships deported 30,000 Irish, by the mid-1600s they constituted the majority of slaves in the colonies. A Portuguese website gives us the following: “The proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners to be sent abroad and sold to English settlers in the West Indies. In 1600, the Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat. At that time, 70% of Montserrat’s total population were Irish slaves. Ireland quickly became a huge source of human cattle for English traders. Most of the first slaves in the New World were actually white.”


As I wrote earlier, one of the tenets of propaganda is that we have a powerful tendency to believe the first thing we read or hear about a topic, especially if those statements are repeated a number of times. Later, even when faced with incontrovertible proof, facts that cannot be disputed, proving that our now-accepted beliefs are in fact false, we are surprisingly reluctant to change our minds, and we will “hesitate and waver and continue to believe there must be some other explanation”. Our minds are apparently unable to accept that we have believed lies. This is important because the Jews use this to great advantage to pre-empt the discovery of their atrocities and prevent rational thought. Typically, if knowledge of their past crimes is showing signs of escaping historical confinement, the Jews will use this propaganda tactic to “get there first”, with some Jewish author quickly writing a book or treatise on the subject that is replete with lies and falsified history that attempts to exclude the Jews from involvement and, if at all possible, to blame the victim.


There are many indications that the Jews are making efforts to either eliminate awareness and discussion of the Irish slave trade or to hopelessly confuse the issue so that the focus is lost and conclusions become difficult or impossible. Wikipedia is naturally one of the leaders in this effort. True to its Jewish roots and lying as always, Wikipedia has an article titled the “Irish slaves myth”, even the title preparing readers to disbelieve anything about Irish slaves when it is Wikipedia that needs to be disbelieved. Their treatise refers to a book by Dr. Michael A. Hoffman II, titled “They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America”.


Wikipedia conveniently tells us this book was published by “a conspiracy theorist and Holocaust denier”, who also “blamed Jews for the Atlantic slave trade” – in which Jews were clearly very involved. Wikipedia also tells us (as usual) that “The book has been described as shoddily researched” and “highly problematic”. If you recall, these were the same accusations made about the books by James Bacque that revealed the mass murders of Germans in American concentration camps after WWII. These accusations of holocaust deniers writing shoddy history books is part of a standard template when Jews don’t want the public accessing information that reveals Jewish crimes. Wikipedia further informs its readers that Dr. Hoffman presents a “careless blurring of the lines between slavery and indentured servitude”, but in fact it is Wiki and its brethren who deliberately blur the lines to disguise the fact that “indentures” are merely today’s euphemism meant to bury the truths of white slavery.


Wikipedia’s Italian website on this issue tells us, “Ireland has always been subject to strong emigration, so much so that today it is estimated that ten times more people of Irish origin live in the USA than in Ireland. In the eighteenth century about 9-10 million Irish left Ireland. Of these, the poorest went to Britain, especially to the Liverpool area, while those who could afford it, about 5 million, moved to the United States of America. From the nineteenth century, following the Great Potato Famine, emigration became massive: in 1890 40% of all Irish people lived abroad. Nowadays there are about 80 000 000 people in the world who claim to have Irish ancestry, and of these only 4 700 000 live in the Republic of Ireland.”
