AI 可以讓我們與鯨魚交談嗎?
Could AI Let Us Talk to Whales?

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We were born too late to explore the earth and too early to explore the space, but we might be born just in time to see machine learning turn into AI.
This is really misrepresenting what AI is and can do
People make it seem like there's an ethical reason to not talk to whales? Come on. Communication is everything. There's absolutely no problem with doing this and we should strive to do so. Also, I don't understand why "AI isn't there yet" to go through millions of data points for us. I thought the issue was that we don't have the data? Computers analyze all sorts of data for us. "AI" is nothing new; it's just more advanced software than before. True AI is when the computer can go out and do the discoveries for us. Right now, it's only able to take in our own information but we'll get there!
that question on why we should communicate with them and how it would be helpful to communicate with other species is answered by the reasoning behind learning other languages,, we share the planet with them, we influence their homes both directly and indirectly, if theyre capable of conceptualizing and understanding the world the same way we do then the next step should be to establish some sort of diplomatic relationship with them and take their insights into account when making decisions that could potentially harm their way of living.
I know its real, but the background is sooooo beautiful, it kinda looks FAKE! LOL, I blame GPT
Are whales curious? If they want to hang out and are free to go we can try to talk.
It would be funny if there's a highly intelligent species out there able to decipher our languages easily, and when they find our voyager recordings, they'll be surprised why the more primitive language sent rather sophisticated contents while the whale recordings with extremely high information density were nothing but small talk or intrafamilial beef because someone didn't want to share fish.
Awww! I grew up listening to that beautiful LP...wondering which of the crackles were recorded background sounds or from the album/needle...fond memories. Thank you for this video
What part of a whale's brain is bigger than a human's "relative to our body mass" ??? A sperm whale weighs as much as 450 people, you're telling me their cerebral cortex is more than 450x larger than ours? No. I don't think you meant to say "relative to our body mass."
Man heard whales were endangered and came to finish the job.
Hell with the whales, make one for dogs and cats so we can put collars on them like in UP
you don't speak whale? damn you should watch Finding Nemo again and Listen to Dory speak Whale, that's how I learned how to speak whale.
I dont think simply talking to it would be that bad??? Because it would be cool to communicate with a non-human species?
我覺得單純對話沒什么不好?。? 因為能和異種生物交流超酷???
i was startled from the background boo. just verified my headset sounds too realistic :D must have trigger warning haha jk.
knowing the depravity of humans, i dont like the idea of anyone being able to say whatever they want to such an important species. for instance, what if we make a certain call that initiates an aggression response in the whale? now any time that pod sees a human or boat it could act aggressively. we've already seen that in orcas without even talking to them. we dont need to streamline that process.
"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
At last it is not just 'one way' enforced on all living beings, with an underlaying message "submit to it, and obey or go extinct for all I/we care"
This is pointless, imo. You don't need AI, you need a Rosetta stone. How would even an ASI translate a random sound to English? We would need a common language
This has been tried over and over, and NO, it is not possible. Humans are the only animals with actual language. Whales just vocalize, just like birds.
what if they're social creatures and they crave to be spoken to? Might any social creature enjoy banter at least, and tend to resent someone who just observes and doesn't communicate?
I'm pretty sure that AI is already capable of this. It's more that we don't have enough data to feed it yet. So with that said, why aren't we trying this with other species that are easier to gather data from?
this hits different after learning that Japan decided to resume their whale hunting practices because of so called "cultural" purposes after decades of having banned it.
The benefit to talking to whales would be to inevitably save their species forever because I believe if humans can talk to whales itll be illegal to hunt or kill them from that point on.
I want to talk to my dog so he will stop pooping in the house.
I would like to ask them about what theyve seen since they were young and if their parents passed down stories from before they existed
..are whales sentient, cause if they aren't, theres no reason to talk to them any more than a dog, which would go something like:
We could start with an apology for being so cruel and destructive.
There's a fantastic YA book called "Whale Talk" about a teenager who brings together a group of outcasts to compete on their high school swim team. The book uses whale songs as a metaphor for how we can't understand each other and we just make assumptions
Another factor worth considering is the fact that whales from different regions might have multiple languages, if Im not mistaken marine biologists have already found that orca have multiple languages, so we might have to decipher the language of whales from each region.
I think the wisdom shared through collaborations between humans and whales could possibly lead to some truly amazing things
If i could communicate w whales, the first and only thing i would say is I am sorry. I am profoundly sorry for what we humans have done to you and your habitat, to all animals and all habitats. I am profoundly sorry.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
I don't think people really want to hear what whales might have to say to us.
Animals talk to us all the time. If anyone is stopping this conversation, it's us.
Speaking to another species on our own planet. A type of whale or dolphin should be absolutely prime focus of our species (among a few other things). I am convinced these animals (Spermwhale, Orca, Dolphins) are more intelligent than we are. I expect them to have whole oral traditions that chronicle the oceanic history of our world. We can learn things about our planet we have never expected to learn. And probably we discover the dark impact we have had ourselves. It will be a mirror of our own impact on this world, and a better understanding of what it truly means to be alive.
Scientist: what pisses you off
Whale: humans came very close to eradicating my species and all its relatives
Maybe communication with whales isn't something we need...
I suspect whale languages primarily convey what they need to know every day, including:
finding food, avoiding danger, navigating, attracting a mate, locating and identifying members of the group, teaching the young, and expressing emotions.
The Human is so smart that it almost eradicated the most intelligent animal on earth.
I think these scientists might be afraid of talking to whales... afraid of what they might say... what if it was profound eloquent wise and personal...
What if they simply said: "Why the hell did you slaughter us, and what makes you think we will ever trust your... ever..."
So there trying to make whale google translate with ai.
Sure you can talk to whales, but that doesn't obligate them to enter into a conversation.
I hate to tell you But baby talk is a language! Other babies will respond to it and talk back even If one is unhappy then another will start to cry as well Hope this will open your eyes to possibilities
You want to tell me what a whale and i have to talk about?
I Still have that National Geographic record from wwhen I was a kid!
Whales exist since 150 million years? This cannot be true. As I know since 50 million years.
before we learn to comunicate with whales, we'll have a translater collar for cats and dogs simply because there is a way bigger market for it.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
When animals can talk to each other, it will be a colossal disaster in food. What will happen when you kill a chicken and it said dont kill me?
ugh, I hate this new age way of thinking: "We're making it about ourselves, not them", "This is a human construct", "It's arrogant to think ... it'll be analogous". Like come on! You don't need to belittle humankind to justify studying animals. We're not the only curious species out there! I always think that these statements are somewhat ironic, that in our quest to to not portray and think ourselves superior and different from other animals, by saying these things, we're just reinforcing the notion that humans do not belong in Nature!
Why should we talk to wales? We need to protect them not to disturb them. Humans are cruel. AI is not cool at all. We shall work on human skills and learn to communicate with love & respect
It's better for whales to avoid communication with human
If they do speak language, then at what point would something be considered a person?
Climate change is hurting the economy? Who freakin knew? There have also been massive hail storms and wildfires. Who knew that would be expensive?
I think it might help a lot if one could put microphones onto a pair of a whale mother and calf and see how the "language" of the calf evolves over time.
When I see an animal seeming to ask for help I can't help but feel like animals tell eachother about us. When we rescue and nurse them back to health or raise them to be released back into the wild or just untangle them from a net or plastic cup that they might share those stories? Maybe it's just a case of those individuals having experience knowing we're safe. But thinking about if they know of us and talk about us if we could find the word they use for us and introduce ourselves. I would probably want to introduce myself explaining we're not whales we're (their word for human) and would absolutely not want to tell them it's our fault there's so much trash. If we could learn to communicate though imagine if we could share ideas and get different perspectives. Would we do more to fight climate change if a whale told us to? Do they have stories? Will they understand if I tell them they're pretty? But the whole "should we" part just felt like that's why aliens don't talk to us. The whales wouldn't have a choice either way but we also deny them a chance to choose to talk to us since they don't have the technology. Even if we might want aliens to talk to us would a whale? But also just because we're different doesn't mean we can't be the same in some ways. We also don't know what the whale would get out of interacting with us that way until we ask them. The downside I can see though is people baiting the whales for some reason or being rude to them if it was public technology. Negotiations with different whale species that don't like eachother.... I wouldn't trust AI to translate either what if that got hacked or was just not good?
Whales ...? AI ...? why not try dogs or cats first? Vocal may not be our main way to communicate, as land mammals demonstrate. Need visual as well as audio to study us and 'pets'. Don't you want a talking dog? Very enjoyable presentation, Thanks! Once our cat taught me not to stop playing the piano... it's a long story, but he showed me he liked it played.
If that was possible I know the first the whales would say stop polluting our oceans with your oil and Plastics
I just think if we could communicate with whales and dolphins it could really help to keep them safe from trawling
I think its fair to say that we could make some progress on this. Though just how much is harder to say. The new equipment is vital to gathering the data. Think of this as practice for talking to an alien species !
I didn't very much enjoy the slightly pessimistic ending with some of guests. If we can figure out how to talk with whales, then we absolutely should talk with whales. Now it maybe should be handled like a first contact with an alien species, but it should be done. It's profoundly important that we learn how to communicate with other species if possible.
i would really wonder what would happen if you play whales some human musik: maybe some bach, beethoven, pink floyd or geoffrey oryema, what would they think ? Could we inspire each other ?
Sperm whale holds record for loudest noise an animal make with their clicks. Blue whale has the loudest continuous vocalizations.
Teach whales/dolphins flipper/sound+sign language. Like Coco. That's the only way we can be sure that what we're interpreting is actually the real thing and not some made-up garbage without feedback.
the whole umwelt thing is what I always get hung up on when people try to "teach" animals to "talk" to us. from teaching gorillas sign language to teaching your parrot or dog or rat or fish to press buttons that mean "food" or "pain" or whatever. even if the animal is clearly very skilled at pressing those buttons to get what it wants or what it thinks we want that's still not a direct image of their internality. but then again it's hard to "prove" anyone has internality, it's part of what makes race science and eugenics appealing to some folk, it's genuinely hard to imagine what it is like to be anyone other than yourself and not everyone's willing or able to put that work in.
Talking to Wells might give us answers to the past think about it if whales are actually intelligent, which we believe they are they would have stories that are told to each other about the past about history about things that were in the ocean and or currently still in the ocean Theres some knowledge here that we should definitely factor in
chatGPT now "watch" videos. feed it with thousands of videos with sound so AI can see behaviour associated with sound. Probably will decode some meaning out of it
I'm half way through.. I'm dying to know.. have we used AI to speak in whale TO another whale and receive a response?
First, we need to teach AI how to pronounce words. It's a bit frustrating trying to understand what is being said.
The fact we're contemplating translating whale language, or even know they have a real language at all, should be more than enough to understand these are EXTREMELY intelligent creatures & should stop being hunted. I know most countries have outlawed whaling, but it still happens far too much. We need to have more empathy... we know whales do. Orcas having their young kidnapped & taken to live in amusement parks is a depressing watch. The mothers continue to cry out, and they stay around in the same area waiting for their kid hours after it was already taken. When creatures are this intelligent, empathetic & have their own language, that should tell you they shouldn't be treated like livestock or used for entertainment.
Thanks for asking the question "should we?". That question should be more widespread in scientific and technological progress. What are the potential benefits but also risks of how we present and use a specific technology.
I really don't understand the resistance to the idea if communicating here? It honestly seems like such a weirdly incurious thing fron people who are supposed to be experts. I understand being cautious about new technology, but i fail ti see hiw this would hurt whales in any way. Like the whale songs, it may very well helo them.
In my opinion. Unless of course if there are weird complications or if it's unnecessary but it would be well researched before coming to such conclusion.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
I'm not skeptical of ai I'm intimidated and worried for the future sadly
"Whales invented dubstep before humans." Perfect click bait title.
It would be pretty dangerous to try it in person. The sheer acoustic power they can generate would be ample enough to explode any human ear-drum even at range.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
I am absolutely stunned right now! So often, we dont ask ourselves the one question that ought to be the most obvious and, maybe, the most important one; Should we do this? Thank you so much for posing it here, in this instance! Whales are highly intelligent animals, but would expressing ourselves to them produce a positive outcome for them? A wise man listens first. A foolish man speaks first.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Baby talk is language. They know what theyre saying, but we dont. My friends mother is a triplet. The triplets jabbered to each other from the cradle, and now in their 70s every time they get together, they still talk in that same jabber. They absolutely understand what the other is saying, but nobody else does! So I am convinced babies are communicating in a type of language. Its just not one we can understand. Not a scientific opinion, just a mothers. LOl
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
This is old news. Using AI to understand whales started years ago.
they use sounds like we use "4D" ultrasound to see the movements of things and reflect them as they capture them
Spooky fact: Some humans with thalassophobia will be reincarnated as whales and be stuck for 400 years in the ocean
I gotta be honest if we find a way to communicate within ten or 30 years we will be talking to the children of the ones we were slaughtering or the grandchildren, I highly doubt they can forget that. With the age they live to and the very tight social bonds they form I would imagine that the younger ones would have been warned by now, its kind of sad that the next most intelligent species has had an over 200 year long holocaust perpetrated against them by us.
Im surprised that scientists dont know what questions theyd ask a whale. Without question id ask what living in the ocean is like. How is that even up for debate? Like homie drop your life experiences on us
I think if we could communicate with animals, and we knew how exactly they felt, we could be better caregivers of this planet. It would help more human emphasize with nature.
I had that floppy record from National Geographic when I was seven, around 1975. I listened to it a lot!!! If I could communicate with whales, I would ask them why they beach themselves. I would ask questions so I could do things to benefit the whales lives.
Yes it would definitely need to be animal centric. But given that Iceland and Japan are still hunting whales I think being able to warn them where the hunting ships are at would be great!
Humans have the need to "understand" in order to have consideration. Just as humans needed to understand whales had songs and communication to stop hunting them.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Cutting edge technology??...bro stuck a go pro onna whale !!
We haven't dicephered any organisms language other than our own yet. Maybe we need to concentrate on less complex life first.
Whales most likely are distressed by the disruption of their communication by underwater activities like those used by the militaries of the world. We may learn things about how all animals are impacted by things in our environment we werent aware of. This will allow us to focus our efforts to adapt and transform our way of life in better balance with the world around us.
If we can not even learn to communicate with another species that evolved with us on the same planet, then we are really screwed if we ever encounter an intelligent, technological alien species.
I'm particularly wondering about their perception of time in all this. Like, what is the length of a sentence for a whale? For us, its a few second to a minute... but in their "umwelt" it could be totally different. A few minutes? An hour? ... A week? I mean, if they "talk" from thousands of km away, the imminence of the message or its importance relating to what the whale is doing at the very moment is really not clear. They could be singing a song for weeks to express a single sentence as far as we know...
I'm sure the NAVY would have a lot to ask the whale.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Personally, I would ask them what they think about. Do they have subcultures? Religions? Morality? Verbal history? What do they think about what's above the water? What do they think about water? Do they know any of its properties? Any other chemicals that might be dissolved in their environment? Do they tell stories about other whales? Do they revere or revile other whales? I could go on forever, and I think it will be really eye-opening when we finally crack it.
This could be seriously important technology. If we can translate Whale then we would actually stand a chance translating any actual alien signals we might ever get
listening to the wales is the most important thing about understanding their language. we want these amazing creatures to be able to life a good life. but some wales are so curious about humans and enjoy interaction with divers that im surtain that the would love to be able to speak with us. who know waht both of the partys could learn from conversations. i think it would be selfish not to give them the opportunity to understand us.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
i think the only reasonable question you could ask a wale is: do you want to communicate with humans?
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
I wonder what effect exposure to human thinking would have on whales? Conceivably if we gave them internet access they could try to overthrow us.
If AI is used for such uses than I'm in for it. If this could be possible in the Future it would be a breakthrough like landing on the Moon or developing Democracy. And speaking of Space: If we could use AI to better understand our Earth and it's Inhabitants, we should focus more on our Umwelt than what is out there.
We sent whale song into outer space?
What if it's found by a super intelligent being who is able to translate it, and it turns out that the whales were saying disturbingly F'd up s@#t?
Why would anyone doubt that whales talk to each other? It's obvious that they have a language to me. I hope we can learn to talk to them, they might be interested in chatting.
I deeply disagree with the notion that understanding whale language is only important if it helps them. It would be great if it does, but there is value in it even if all they get out of it is a few AI generated songs in their spam folder.
The main thing we get out of it is accessing another language across otherwise insurmountable boundaries. Even if we can never have a conversation with them, just being able to overcome umwelt with a species whose vocalizations are the most easily listened in on and to whom we can attach the largest tracking and recording devices, it gives us a platform to do the same with other species. Some of whom we might need to talk to someday.
It also gives us insight into their culture. We don't worry about what the Indus Valley civilization gets out of our attempts to decipher Harappan. We're trying to find out for our own interest in it and what we may learn about that culture. We may learn important things from whale culture that we can't yet imagine. And even if we don't, we may at least learn if they have culture, expanding our understanding of many fields.
And it's likely they're noticing things we aren't in the oceans that listening in could teach us.
It would be amazing if it helped them, but even if it doesn't, it's still worth doing.
Cool,first step twards future learning alien s languages.
We kinda know about some animal language already, when a dog is howling or crying we have an idea of why he is doing it. When a cat hisses too. Problem is, we barely know what a whale is doing when it makes an specific noise.
Its more than likely that only humans have the ability to consciously communicate complex information.
It still kind of blows. My mind that we put sounds on a record, assuming that aliens would even know how the hell to even play it.
This video really stuck with me, but for bad reasons. It seems so afraid, but, IMHO, it's hard to be innovative if you're not brave. It is a hard, but worthy challenge to maintain being ethical, prudent, and appropriately respectful while also being creative, brave, and exploratory but it is what is required to further science in a socially responsible way. In response to your, what would we even say to whales, we could warn them. We could post warnings of ships around our shipping lanes. So they wouldn't get murdered. We might be able to warn them about whalers? Maybe? We could talk to the ones in captivity better, to understand more about their likes and dislikes (thought, we should just free the ones that can safely be freed and we should take no more of them from the seas). We could ask them about the 95% of the ocean we haven't explored. We could increase their value in the eyes of other humans so they would stop messing with them (the whale song recordings are thought to be partially responsible for saving some of them from extinction because it allowed people to stop seeing them as "just animals". I know there is a lot of intimidating new science coming out now, some that might even take us places we shouldn't go, but we can't abandon our curiosity and innovation. It's our creature power.
million years of species life experience on earth? Intelligent species life experience on earth? And weve been here how long? A drop in the bucket compared to whales. And with those big brains what kinds of things have they thought about well gliding around in the water, not wasting their brain power or energy, on desecrating the planet? Imagine the potential for wisdom? The complexity of their thinking maybe far beyond our arrogant self-centered violent self-destructive aggressions. They may not want to talk to us until we stop killing everything we come in contact with. They may actually see us as the alien life form that doesnt belong on this earth, or at least some mutant form of destructive vermin. Perhaps, just ignorant unruly two year olds were trash in the house with tantrums and out-of-control creative impulses. On the other hand, what is their telepathic? What is true telepathic means they are trying to influence us to self-destruction so that we quit killing everything else on earth including them.
I am so FRUSTRATED with some of your experts. "Whale song is too beautiful for me to contribute to!" WTF? These people forgot their inner child somewhere. "Speak with animals" is a magic power, right there next to flying. Being in love with nature should make you excited to engage with it. Its too late to leave it alone now, anyway. Just admit that you don't actually need a good reason, or a selfless reason, or a helpful reason, or any reason. For the sake of pure joy and wonder, talking to a whale should be an instant yes. What do you say? Who knows; who cares. Being able to communicate at all should be magic enough.
你們某些專家的言論真讓我抓狂。"鯨歌太美了,我不忍心參與破壞!" 搞什么鬼?這些人把內(nèi)心的童真丟到哪個角落了?"與動物對話"可是堪比飛翔的魔法能力啊。真正熱愛自然的人應(yīng)該為能與其互動而興奮。再說現(xiàn)在想不打擾它們也晚了。直接承認(rèn)吧——我們根本不需要高尚理由、無私動機(jī)或?qū)嵱媚康?。純粹出于喜悅與驚奇,與鯨魚對話就該立即執(zhí)行。該說什么?誰知道呢,誰在乎呢。光是能溝通這件事本身,就足夠魔幻了。
I have no problem with people communicating with them but there is a deeper issue, context. People talk about people things, whales likely talk about whale things. Getting whales to understand human things without experiencing our environment might be exceptionally difficult. What we communicate with them about might just be limited to things that impact them, like ocean conditions and weather, earthquakes, sea life migrations, etc. Some of our concepts might be so alien to them that they may never be able to understand.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
What if we find out that whales are all massively into eugenics and super racist?
Wouldnt it be better to put a camera on each side of the whale and then merger the clips to get an actual pov of the whale
What do you say? "Hey whale!" Obviously. Say it with good energy and see how it goes.